Top 10k strings from Ket Trilogy III - The Final Mission (1984)(Incentive Software)[a2].z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [Z80] /

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   5 "The Guardian"
   3 t$=s$+" disappears.":
   2 t$=s$+" leaps to attack you!":
   2 t$="It is stuck fast.":
   2 t$="Into what?":
   2 t$="I don't see it.":
   2 +((i-c1)*c2)
   2 (tu/C256):
   2 (sma/C256):
   1 z$="We are in the Great Pillared Hall. Huge pillars tower above us."
   1 y$="We are at the northern edge of a huge chamber.":
   1 xx=(C256-C8*xs*
   1 x(8 <xT<DxD8@
   1 ur swordsmanship and physical condition respectively. Your LUCK is self explanatory.
   1 tp,cb;" ":
   1 t$=t$+k$+" a "
   1 t$=t$+"two beams of hot light flash towards you. They hit and scald you.":
   1 t$=t$+"smashes into the trapdoor breaking it open!":
   1 t$=t$+"sees the pendant with Edgar in it. He screams and is banished back to hell.":
   1 t$=t$+"kicks you in the head.":
   1 t$=t$+"is here stretching long cancerous tentacles towards you.":
   1 t$=t$+"arrives and moves menacingly towards you.":
   1 t$=t$+"Nothing.":
   1 t$=t$+" and physical condition respectively. Your LUCK is self explanatory.":
   1 t$=t$+" You feel a slight breeze."
   1 t$=t$+" The land is getting more barren."
   1 t$=t$+" Some small birds are high above us."
   1 t$=t$+" It is getting a bit darker."
   1 t$=t$+" "+k$+"."
   1 t$=t$+" "+Q$+
   1 t$=s$+" vanishes.":
   1 t$=s$+" says "+t$:
   1 t$=s$+" blocks your way":
   1 t$="Yuk! I wouldn't if I were you!":
   1 t$="Your current abilities are:-":
   1 t$="Your PROWESS and ENERGY are measures of your swordsmanship"
   1 t$="Your CODEWORD is ~"+T$+"~":
   1 t$="You're already carrying it.":
   1 t$="You will not fit!":
   1 t$="You were very lucky":
   1 t$="You try, but can't manage.":
   1 t$="You start this part of the adventure with the following abilities:-":
   1 t$="You push but it doesn't have any effect.":
   1 t$="You pull but it has no effect":
   1 t$="You may call up your current condition by using the command STAT":
   1 t$="You hear the sound of tiny feet.":
   1 t$="You hear a splintering sound":
   1 t$="You hear a splatting sound.":
   1 t$="You hear a scream and Delphia attacks you. She has glowing red eyes and pointed fangs":
   1 t$="You have too much with you!":
   1 t$="You have these items with you: "+t$:
   1 t$="You have no key.":
   1 t$="You have managed to complete "+
   1 t$="You have been enveloped by the foul slime creature."
   1 t$="You find and take a sharp dagger that was strapped to a leg.":
   1 t$="You feel Edgar's teeth pressing against your neck and you change your mind.":
   1 t$="You don't really want to go into the lava do you?":
   1 t$="You do not have it with you!":
   1 t$="You do a very poor monkey act and slide off.":
   1 t$="You cannot reach the glass.":
   1 t$="You cannot reach the glass."
   1 t$="You cannot fight as you have no weapon":
   1 t$="You can't reach":
   1 t$="You can't kill a dead body!":
   1 t$="You can't just walk through walls.":
   1 t$="You can't go that way!":
   1 t$="You can't do that.":
   1 t$="You can't do that here.":
   1 t$="You can see another cell.":
   1 t$="You are unable to get a grip.":
   1 t$="You are unable to do that!"
   1 t$="You are not tall enough to see out!":
   1 t$="You are ignored."
   1 t$="You are about to be struck! Will you try to avoid the blow? ":
   1 t$="Yep! It's a glass window!":
   1 t$="Which way?":
   1 t$="When you stupidly tell him that Delphia is dead he looks stunned, so much so that he has a heart attack and dies on the spot!":
   1 t$="What with?":
   1 t$="What a shame, and after you have got so far. Wish me luck in getting back to home.":
   1 t$="We can't go that way!":
   1 t$="We are "
   1 t$="Try dropping it on the floor!":
   1 t$="They will not come out!":
   1 t$="They are in a zig zag pattern.":
   1 t$="They are about 2' thick and 20' tall.":
   1 t$="There is nothing odd about them.":
   1 t$="There is nothing here to attack.":
   1 t$="There is no visible key hole.":
   1 t$="There is a small hole in its centre."
   1 t$="There is a one inch gap beneath the door.":
   1 t$="The way north is blocked by the other door.":
   1 t$="The wall has slid apart.":
   1 t$="The trapdoor is open.":
   1 t$="The slime was under you when you dropped the Soap and it didn't like it. (Nasty clean stuff)":
   1 t$="The secret panel is open.":
   1 t$="The panel shuts with a clang.":
   1 t$="The old man thanks you and tells you that he is in fact the real Vran Verusbel and a demon called 'THULADOR' has taken his place.":
   1 t$="The light bounces off your ring and hits a small knob on the east wall that causes a panel to open.":
   1 t$="The gap is blocked.":
   1 t$="The door north has slammed shut!":
   1 t$="The door is smashed down.":
   1 t$="The door is shut!":
   1 t$="The door is open.":
   1 t$="The demon glares at you with his demonic eyes and "
   1 t$="The Owner of the net advances towards you and...":
   1 t$="The 'en' monster arrives.":
   1 t$="That would be difficult while you are carrying it!":
   1 t$="Sorry,but I don't know how to do that.":
   1 t$="Sorry, you're on your own.":
   1 t$="Sorry! I don't know what you mean by '"+n$+"'":
   1 t$="Smash! You break the glass.":
   1 t$="Say what?":
   1 t$="Rephrase that please.":
   1 t$="Prowess "+
   1 t$="Presto! Nice and clean!":
   1 t$="Please use directions.":
   1 t$="Please use directions only.":
   1 t$="Please be more specific!":
   1 t$="PROWESS 8":
   1 t$="O.K., you put Edgar into the pendant.":
   1 t$="O.K.":
   1 t$="O.K. You stuff the straw under the door and block the gap.":
   1 t$="O.K. You spray it and you shrink to one inch tall. All things with you also shrink.":
   1 t$="O.K. You insert the handle into the throne and it opens!!":
   1 t$="O.K. You hit it. BIG DEAL!":
   1 t$="O.K. You fish up a bottle of potion.":
   1 t$="O.K. You find and take a small key from behind one of the panels.":
   1 t$="O.K. The trapdoor flies open but the crowbar snaps with the pressure. (Where did you get those muscles?)":
   1 t$="O.K. The chest lid flies off and you get a pair of Emeralds.":
   1 t$="O.K. The Emeralds glow green and the wall behind the statue slides apart.":
   1 t$="O.K. The Acorn goes down the hole and you hear a tearing sound!":
   1 t$="O.K. Insert your data file and PRESS PLAY!":
   1 t$="O.K. But you notice nothing unusual.":
   1 t$="O.K. But you find nothing":
   1 t$="O.K. But it has no effect":
   1 t$="Near us is:"
   1 t$="Luck    "+
   1 t$="LUCK    8":
   1 t$="Its little eyes light up and it mutters 'enenene' to itself."
   1 t$="It will not come
   1 t$="It tells you that every demon on Earth has an amulet that will, if it is worn by someone in its presence, send him back to Hell!":
   1 t$="It looks normal!":
   1 t$="It is very shiny."
   1 t$="It is totally silent.":
   1 t$="It is too heavy!":
   1 t$="It is only about an inch in diameter.":
   1 t$="It is of a ferocious lion."
   1 t$="It is nothing special."
   1 t$="It is marked 'ACME & Co. REDUCER. Shake well before use.'."
   1 t$="It is locked!":
   1 t$="It is hard and stony.":
   1 t$="It is broken!":
   1 t$="It is about an inch high":
   1 t$="It is a well known fact that Warts are afraid of cats. The King runs off!":
   1 t$="It has the characters '15e15s' etched into it."
   1 t$="It has rubies for eyes.":
   1 t$="It has emeralds for eyes.":
   1 t$="It has arrows in it.":
   1 t$="It has a small hole in one side.":
   1 t$="It has 'BEWARE OF ONE-WAY DOORS' written on it!":
   1 t$="In fact it is dead and gone.":
   1 t$="IT HITS YOU!!":
   1 t$="I'm afraid the boot legged it!":
   1 t$="I don't understand!":
   1 t$="I don't understand "+v$+".":
   1 t$="I don't know what you mean.":
   1 t$="He says that it is the demon who has done all the evil things and charmed his little Delphia.":
   1 t$="He is no longer chained.":
   1 t$="Gurgle, Gurgle, Ahh!":
   1 t$="Guardian 4 blocks your way north!":
   1 t$="Energy  "+
   1 t$="Edgar watches in amazement as you go bananas!!":
   1 t$="Edgar tells you not to be stupid!":
   1 t$="ENERGY  8":
   1 t$="Do you wish to try to escape?":
   1 t$="Could you put that another way?":
   1 t$="But you don't have it!":
   1 t$="But it passes by harmlessly."
   1 t$="But it isn't here.":
   1 t$="Bad luck,you failed to dodge!":
   1 t$="As you turn to run you are hit again.":
   1 t$="As you start to relax, a cloud appears in front of you and the Guardian re-forms...":
   1 t$="As you near the body, Delphia's eyes open and glow red. She smiles at you revealing a pair of gleaming white fangs. YOU WISELY LEAVE WELL ALONE!":
   1 t$="As you emerge from the Temple you are spotted by the people of KET who emit a rapturous chorus of cheers and you faint. You awake before the Lords of KET who declare you a Peer and shower you with wealth. You are a Hero.":
   1 t$="As you drop down the hole you get caught in a net made from a spiders web!":
   1 t$="As the body hits the floor you are hit by a poison dart from the west wall.":
   1 t$="As the Garlic hits the floor Delphia's eyes open and she shrivels up.":
   1 t$="As he falls to the ground he drops something.":
   1 t$="Are you talking to yourself?":
   1 t$="An arrow is fired from the west wall toward the target in the east wall.":
   1 t$="Also here is the Saurian Guardian barring Gate V. It says, ~What is the other half for the hot water?~"
   1 t$="Also here is the Guardian of Wisdom defending the entrance to Gate I, he asks, ~Complete the sequence 2,2,2,3,2,...~"
   1 t$="Also here is "
   1 t$="All of a sudden you return to normal size":
   1 t$="A while later...":
   1 t$="A piece of Parchment is blown on the wind and lands in your hand!":
   1 t$="A large slithering mass of green slime "
   1 t$="A large magical boot stamps down from out of nowhere and "
   1 t$=" "+("To secure 100% you must complete the game without using the SAVE/LOAD facility"
   1 sma=tu+c5+
   1 sc+"% of this adventure."
   1 p$="You are DEAD":
   1 p$="YOU'VE GOT IT":
   1 p$="YOU QUIT":
   1 p$="UGH!!":
   1 p$="COMBAT":
   1 o here is a sinister wraith-like being with eyes of white fire hovering before gateway IV. It says, ~Red circle, green square. What has Edgar that the arrow hasn't?~"
   1 n1,C7,c1,C10,c3,C11,C16,C12,C11,C13,c0,C12,c0,C16,64
   1 n$="ENOILGAT"
   1 n$="ANAGRAM"
   1 n$="0,2,6,9"
   1 man=C14-man:
   1 k+c2,tu-C256*
   1 k+C39,vra:
   1 k+C38,pen:
   1 k+C37,edg:
   1 k+C36,del:
   1 k+C34,rub:
   1 k+C33,ch2:
   1 k+C32,ch1:
   1 k+C31,pot:
   1 k+C30,par:
   1 k+C28,dag:
   1 k+C27,str:
   1 k+C25,slim:
   1 k+C22,enm:
   1 k+C16,sma-C256*
   1 k+C15,key1:
   1 k+C14,tra:
   1 k+C13,win:
   1 k+C11,gla:
   1 k$=" Also we see a target to our east.":
   1 j$="We are at the south wall of a huge chamber. There is a large archway to our south.":
   1 i$="We are in a huge chamber. It expands all around us.":
   1 explanatory.
   1 enm=enm+c1:
   1 en=en-dam:
   1 easures of your swordsmanship and physical condition respectively. Your LUCK is self explanatory.
   1 c6,c4;"It";
   1 c4,c3;"You";
   1 c4,C18;en-i;" ":
   1 c1,c1,c1,c0,c0,c0,c0,8
   1 c1,c0;"   PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE   ":
   1 arr=arr+c1:
   1 a$="YIKE!":
   1 a$="YERK!":
   1 a$="Y")+(c0
   1 a$="THE FINISH":
   1 a$="THANKS!":
   1 a$="SQPLURG!!":
   1 a$="OOOF!":
   1 a$="KERSMASH":
   1 We are in the Great Pillared Hall. Huge pillars tower above us.
   1 We are in a huge chamber. It expands all around us.Y.
   1 We are at the south wall of a huge chamber. There is a large archway to our south.I3
   1 We are at the northern edge of a huge chamber.Z?
   1 TP,CB;" ":
   1 T$="You climb up again.":
   1 T$="You are unable to do that.":
   1 T$="Yes! It's a hole.":
   1 T$="The ring is very shiny.":
   1 T$="SAVE ERROR":
   1 T$="O.K. But you see nothing special.":
   1 T$="LOAD ERROR!!":
   1 T$="Keep exploring!":
   1 T$="Also here is the Equis Guardian defending gate II and wielding a mighty scimitar. It says, ~Which light blue hedgehogs come from Italy?~"
   1 T$="Also here is a heavily armoured Nios Guardian standing before gate III. It says, ~What is GEARD?~"
   1 SS and ENERGY are measures of your swordsmanship and physical condition respectively. Your LUCK is self explanatory.
   1 SC=SC-(SC-98
   1 LUCK is self explanatory.
   1 C6,C18;me-i;" ":
   1 C25;lu;" "
   1 C256=c1+n1:
   1 C18;me;" ";
   1 C18;en;" ";
   1 C11;pr;" ";
   1 C11;mpr;" ";
   1 ;88;;;8;;;8
   1 ;"YOU WAKE...  STUNNED...":
   1 8TD D8T<D8D
   1 ,c5,c5,c6,c6,C10,C10,C7,86
   1 ,c2,c3,C10,85
   1 ,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c6,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0
   1 ,C17,C17,C18,c0,C23,c0,C24,44
   1 ,C12,C12,C8,c0,c0,c0,C9,74
   1 ,C12,C12,C11,c0,C12,C11,C11,C24,C8,C8,C13
   1 ,(C22-ts):
   1 +((z-c1)*c2):
   1 +((vb-c1)*c2)
   1 +((lc-c1)*c6)+(no-c1)):
   1 (k+c2)+256
   1 (k+C16)+C256*
   1 (enm-lc)=c1
   1 ((man-c1)*c4+64163
   1 ((man-c1)*c4+64162
   1 ((man-c1)*c4+64161
   1 ((man-c1)*c4)+64160
   1 "you feel the rush of air against your cheek as it whistles by."
   1 "the mad Monk"
   1 "the king of the Warts"
   1 "the demon 'THULADOR'"
   1 "the 'en' monster"
   1 "some Straw"
   1 "smashes into the ground just behind you."
   1 "misses you by a whisker."
   1 "enormous"
   1 "clump of bushes"
   1 "close by"
   1 "an old man chained to the wall"
   1 "an Aerosol 
   1 "a wooden Chair"
   1 "a vampiric Delphia"
   1 "a small wooden Carving"
   1 "a small Key 
   1 "a small Handle 
   1 "a sharp Dagger 
   1 "a piece of Parchment 
   1 "a pair of Rubies"
   1 "a pair of Emeralds"
   1 "a magic luck Ring"
   1 "a large black Chest"
   1 "a large bar of Soap"
   1 "a large Brick"
   1 "a golden Acorn"
   1 "a fishing Rod"
   1 "a clove of Garlic"
   1 "a broken Crowbar"
   1 "a bottle of Potion"
   1 "a black Cape"
   1 "a Pendant with a missing stone"
   1 "a Pendant with Edgar in it"
   1 "a Crowbar 
   1 "You thrust past its guard!"
   1 "You swipe at its head and hit!"
   1 "You stab it"
   1 "You hurt it badly!"
   1 "You hit it"
   1 "We have come to a T-Junction in the passage."
   1 "We are under a trapdoor at the west end of a long corridor. The walls are lined with oak panels."
   1 "We are to the rear of the statue. The cave seems to be bigger from here."
   1 "We are outside the secret entrance to the cell. There is a corridor stretching away east."
   1 "We are near an entrance in the west wall. There is a very chill downdraft here."
   1 "We are near a huge throne in the chamber. It is solid gold and studded with gems."
   1 "We are near a door in the east wall. It is 8' tall and made of thick oak. There is a glass window above it."
   1 "We are just outside a chamber. There is a slight, rising, damp breeze here."
   1 "We are in the south end of the room."
   1 "We are in the south corner of a larger cell. You see a broken window far above you."
   1 "We are in the north western corner of the barren cell."
   1 "We are in the north east of the cell. It is much the same as the rest."
   1 "We are in the east of the hall. Edgar detects a small trapdoor in the floor."
   1 "We are in front of an arched portal. It has a wall of vapour hanging in it."
   1 "We are in front of an arched portal. It has a curtain of vapour in it."
   1 "We are in an east/west passage."
   1 "We are in a very cold cave. Its walls are jet black and you can feel an evil presence. There are two exits, one east and one south."
   1 "We are in a small room. There are exits north, south & east."
   1 "We are in a small empty chamber. There is an entrance south."
   1 "We are in a small chamber. It is adorned with symbols of power and mystic."
   1 "We are in a north/south corridor. There is a putrid smell coming from our north."
   1 "We are in a narrow north/south passage"
   1 "We are in a morgue with just one low black marble monolith in it."
   1 "We are in a little cubby hole just above the passage."
   1 "We are in a high ceilinged room. It has many scores on its walls."
   1 "We are in a dirty room. There is a passage entrance to our south and an exit north."
   1 "We are in a dark and dank cell. There is no light save for a low glow coming from our east."
   1 "We are half way down the stairs. There are scorch marks on the walls."
   1 "We are at the south end of a corridor."
   1 "We are at the north end of a standard room."
   1 "We are at the entrance to a huge natural cavern. Its roof is too high to see and it seems miles wide."
   1 "We are at the entrance to a domed cave. A corridor leads north."
   1 "We are at the end of a very low tunnel running south."
   1 "We are at the east end of the long panelled corridor."
   1 "We are at a second door, also to our south. It is made of solid iron."
   1 "We are at a sacrifice point. There is a small hole in the floor here with blood around it."
   1 "We are at a junction. There are some steep stairs going down and a corridor leading south."
   1 "We are at a four-way intersection."
   1 "We are at a four way intersection. There is a buzzing noise coming from our east & west."
   1 "We are at a T-Junction. The passage leading south has had all of its oak panels removed."
   1 "Vran Verusbel's dead body"
   1 "To our south and east lies the Great Pillared Hall. A passage runs north."
   1 "This whole room is slime filled."
   1 "This room appears to be a dead end. The only exit being to our south."
   1 "This is a secret chamber that even the programmer did not know existed. If anything is here I hope you find it useful."
   1 "This is a rather plain room with a sign on one wall. It has just one exit, west."
   1 "This is a domed cave. It is dominated by a huge statue near the south wall depicting a monstrous demon with huge eyes."
   1 "This is a cell. It has signs of torture on its walls and a vile smell."
   1 "This cavern only has an exit north. It too is jet black and its walls seem to close in on you."
   1 "This a sacrifice point. There is a large pit here with bubbling lava at its bottom."
   1 "There is an entrance to a chamber to the south of us. The hall is north and east."
   1 "There is a huge iron-bound oak door to our south here. The corridor leads north."
   1 "The writing on the walls states ~EDGAR'S LUCKY NUMBER IS 959132~."
   1 "The passage here stretches east and west."
   1 "The passage here runs north and south, but most of the light comes from an opening in the east wall."
   1 "The passage gets thinner at this point and the air about us is getting heavier."
   1 "The passage bends here. The exits are north and east."
   1 "The passage bends here. Exits are north and west"
   1 "The corridor runs east/west. There is also a passage south"
   1 "The air in this chamber cannot have been breathed by a mortal for many years. The chamber is well decorated but emits an evil feeling."
   1 "Silence and blackness surrounds us."
   1 "It swings wildly and stabs you"
   1 "It stumbles and you smash it!"
   1 "It strikes you"
   1 "It is clear that no mortal has entered this passage for many years."
   1 "It dodges your guard & hits you"
   1 "Everything here in this cave is black. You feel very uneasy."
   1 "Delphia's dead body"
   1 "A shaft of light comes from a tiny hole in the ceiling. It casts light onto the floor at your feet."
   1  off the wall.":
   1  Prowess Energy  Luck"
   1  Also we see a target to our east.JR